Wednesday, May 13, 2009

They Did NOT Teach Me This...

Okay, so it's PASS week. Palmetto Assessment of State Standards. Blah ba de blah. The thing at our school is that once testing is finished for the day, all of the students who have tried their very best get to do some sort of special activity in the afternoon. Yesterday, we had a dance for them. Maybe you've heard me talk about these dances before. Seriously. These kids have moves I've never seen...The Stanky Leg (by the G-spot Boyz. You can read the lyrics here), the Bird Walk (by Soulja Boy. I have no idea what this means.), and the list goes on... *Sigh* When I was in college, I learned Mozart. I learned Schoenberg. I learned Beethoven. I did not learn the Booty Doo. (I refuse to even post a link to these lyrics. If you're curious, you know how to use Google.)

Today after PASS, we had a faculty vs. students softball game. OK, we give PASS to 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. This afternoon, we had about 60 3rd graders, 45 4th graders, and 60 5th graders playing a softball game against 10, that's right, TEN faculty members. The numbers were against us. We let the kids bat first, 3rd and 5th grade before 4th, because 4th grade gets their own game on Friday as they are the only ones testing that day. I think we let them have about 4o outs before we switched for the teachers to bat. Stephanie was not looking forward to the batting part. I can stand pretty safely in the outfield, but there's something about a bunch of 8-10 year olds taunting you when you're up to bat that is just not cool. But much to my surprise, I got a hit (GO ME!) and, after a few more hits from my team, scored a run! (GOOOOO ME!!!) The kids were shocked I think. When I was in college, I learned the clarinet. I learned the violin. I learned the trumpet. I did not learn softball.

Tomorrow, the activity is a movie. I'm very good at watching movies. :)


  1. #1 - Good job, buddy!! Sports WIN! :)

    #2 - WTF is up with these songs??? What kind of messed up crap do these kids listen to? WOW. "music" FAIL.

  2. First things first... you should consider a career in major league softball. (Do they have such things?)
    Second of all. Seriously. Music fail. Poor Sara Ashley, her class voted that song about the leg to be their senior song. Voting fail. That song will define her class forever.
    They should be like Kate Monster and like romantic things like music and arts! And when I say music.... I mean something melodious and that has a tune and thoughtful, meaningful lyrics.
    *end rant here*
