As I was finishing my dinner, Sadie sneezed. A big, bloody, messy sneeze. It got all over her paws. And then she sneezed two more times. Big bloody sneezes. All over the carpet and all over her paws. I picked her up and carried her upstairs and put her in the bathtub. I was coming back downstairs to put something on the carpet so it wouldn't stain when I noticed that there was blood everywhere. My poor sweet girl had so much blood coming out of her nose that we left a path of blood all the way through the house. Through the dining room, living room, foyer, up the stairs, through the bedroom and into the bathroom. So I cleaned my way from the scene of the sneeze all the way up to the bathroom. When I got to the bathroom, there was blood ALL OVER the bathtub. Inside and outside. By this point, I was SOBBING. Uncontrollable gut-wrenching sobs. My poor baby. I couldn't do anything but sit with her and try to stop the bleeding.
While I was sitting with her, G called me to check on me. At some point, I had sent him a message from my phone about what was happening. I don't really remember doing that. Through the tears, I told him what was going on and he came right over. By the time he got here, not only were the bathtub and Sadie covered in blood, I was too. The bathroom looked like that shower scene from Psycho. He got in the bathtub with her and got me calmed down enough so that I could call Mom and get the vet's number. I called and got the emergency vet's number and then called them. They said to bring Sadie on up to Charlotte so they could check her out. Mom came and we took Sadie to the animal hospital. By the time we got there, the bleeding had finally stopped. They were very nice and fast there. We didn't have to wait at all. They checked her out and gave us a few options for treatment. We opted for the conservative treatment so that we could take Sadie to see Dr. Jodi on Monday.
I slept on the floor with her when we got home. She didn't have any more trouble. She didn't have any trouble on Saturday. She had a slight bleed this morning, but I was able to stop it with the syringe of stuff the emergency vet gave me. It may have stopped on its own, but I didn't want to run the risk. She seemed fine for the rest of the day. She is going to see Dr. Jodi tomorrow. I hope she can help her...
It was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad night. If G hadn't come to help me and calm me down, I don't know what would have happened. I haven't thought of a way to thank him yet, but I'm working on it.
I love my dog.

****I know this was terribly depressing. Tomorrow, if I can obtain her parents' permission, I will post about the happy part of my weekend. Miss Annabelle Elizabeth Le. Sweet. Baby. Girl. :)
ReplyDeleteI hope she gets better soon!
Thanks G for helping my dear cousin out! That was super nice!