Monday, May 11, 2009

And once again, all is right with the world...


Ok, so I pretty much knew I was going to go, but now I have a ticket in my hand. :) G's mom and I are going on July 30. He wanted to get her a ticket for her birthday/Mother's Day. Yay! Thanks, G!!! :)

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post called "Music and People Who Love You Make It All Better". I wrote it right after I had seen Legally Blonde: The Musical. That title and date had been written on the message board in my kitchen for months and I felt a little sad the day after when I erased it. I think I'm happier when there is a musical and a date written on that chalk board. I like having it there to look forward to.

That little chalk board is especially cheerful right now because it also has the word BEACH written on it, along with a date. :)

I'm REALLY looking forward to summer vacation!! Seventeen more days! (16 with kids!)

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