I got some Annabelle time on Sunday!! :D
I wanted to do something for Kim and Dat to help them out. I thought cooking dinner for them could be helpful. Unfortunately, I have limited skills in that department. I can make cake til the cows come home, but there's a short list of things I can cook. In my defense, I believe that there are lots and lots of things that I could cook. I just choose not to. It's sorta stupid for me to cook for just me. I mean, seriously, how much can I eat? And when I do cook, I have to eat the same thing for like 4 days until it's gone. Ugh. Food. Fail. So it was Meredith to the rescue. I asked her for her sausage casserole recipe and she was nice enough to share. Thanks, Mere!
Sunday afternoon, I came home from Mom and Dad's and cooked for the new parents. I made the sausage casserole. Go, me! I cooked some peas to go with it. And I made a strawberry cheesecake. Doesn't that sound domestic?!? (Ok, so the cheesecake was the no bake, Jello kind, but whatever...)
I took the food to the Le's house at around 5. Annabelle was wearing her Star Wars onesie just for me! So cute!!! :) I held her for a few minutes and then put her back down to eat. After dinner though, it was right back to Annabelle!! She's so cuddly! I held her and held her and held her. :)
I had a great time watching Jon and Kate Plus 8 with Kim and Dat and snuggling with Annabelle!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Sadie Update :)
Sadie is much better. At least I think she is. She had some bleeding again on Sunday morning, but it stopped after I put the epinephrine in her nose that they gave us at the emergency room. She spent the night at Mom and Dad's on Sunday night so that Dad could take her to the doctor first thing Monday morning.
She spent Monday at the vet getting checked out. Dr. Jodi has been Sadie's doctor since she was a baby. Dr. Jodi said that she didn't see anything different (worse) about Sadie's nose since she saw her for this in March. Because she didn't see anything different, she prescribed another round of antibiotics (like the ones that helped last time). She also prescribed an antihistamine for Sadie to take daily. She threw the scary words (mass, inoperable, cancer) out there again just in case, but I choose to ignore that.
I went to Mom and Dad's Monday night to get my girl. It's lonely here without her!! I gave her her pills when we got home, which was a little bit of an ordeal. I didn't have any jumbo marshmallows to put her pills in, and she was too smart for the 4 marshmallow smushed around a pill trick. *Sigh*
At any rate, she seems to be feeling better. I'll give her all of her meds and keep a close eye on her and hopefully this will all be over.
I. Love. Sadie.
She spent Monday at the vet getting checked out. Dr. Jodi has been Sadie's doctor since she was a baby. Dr. Jodi said that she didn't see anything different (worse) about Sadie's nose since she saw her for this in March. Because she didn't see anything different, she prescribed another round of antibiotics (like the ones that helped last time). She also prescribed an antihistamine for Sadie to take daily. She threw the scary words (mass, inoperable, cancer) out there again just in case, but I choose to ignore that.
I went to Mom and Dad's Monday night to get my girl. It's lonely here without her!! I gave her her pills when we got home, which was a little bit of an ordeal. I didn't have any jumbo marshmallows to put her pills in, and she was too smart for the 4 marshmallow smushed around a pill trick. *Sigh*
At any rate, she seems to be feeling better. I'll give her all of her meds and keep a close eye on her and hopefully this will all be over.
I. Love. Sadie.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Three Is A Magic Number
She's finally here! Kim and Dat welcomed Annabelle Elizabeth into their family on Saturday, May 16 at 4:09 pm. She is a precious angel and I am SO incredibly happy for them!!!!!!!!!

I was kinda sad that I didn't get to go see Kim in the hospital on Friday, but if you read yesterday's post, you know that I was quite busy! I worked super hard and super fast on Saturday morning to finish up those cakes so that I could get to the hospital. I tried to stay in contact with them to make sure I wasn't missing the big event!!!
I got to the hospital at around 1:00 and got to visit with Kim, Dat, and Kim's mom and dad for a while. Kim was such a trooper through her contractions. She didn't say anything negative or complain at all! At around 2:20ish, they decided it was time for Annabelle to make her entrance, so I went out to the waiting room with Kim's mom and dad. I tried to crochet for a while, but I was WAY too excited and nervous for my buddy!! So mostly, I just sat. And waited. And waited...
I had to be back in Rock Hill at around 6 to pick up two cakes from my house and take them to a birthday party. I decided in my head that I would leave by 5 so I could change, etc. As time ticked by though, I pushed it back to 5:30. If there was any way possible for me to be there and get to see them after the birth, I wanted that to happen! And then at 4:10, Dat came flying down the hall to tell us that Annabelle had just made her debut!!!
I'll say it. I'll admit it. There were tears in my eyes. My buddy is a mommy. In a matter of moments, I went from having a pregnant best friend to having a best friend that is now a mother. This is a BIG deal! :)
Kim's parents and I were very anxious to get to see them! But we had to wait some more. Dat was super sweet to bring out the camera and show us some pictures while they were checking Annabelle out and getting Kim all straightened out. Yay, Dat! Time kept passing and we kept waiting. And waiting.
At 5:20, Dat came out again. Kim's mom mentioned that I had to leave at 5:30, so Dat told us to come on back to the room because everything was almost ready. I am so thankful for those few minutes!!! I got to hug my buddy and tell her what a great job she did. I got to see Miss Annabelle at just an hour old. I snapped a couple of quick pictures with my phone and had to say goodbye. It was HARD to say goodbye, but I knew I would see them again on Sunday!!
Sunday afternoon, I got to the hospital at about 5. I had to wait out the mandatory 2:00-4:00 naptime. Dat's mom, grandmother, and brother were there when I got there. I grabbed a seat by Kim and had some great buddy time while I waited for my turn with the baby. And then it was my turn. :) :) :) I held her for a long time. Sweet baby love. Yay! I'll let the pictures speak for that.

I was kinda sad that I didn't get to go see Kim in the hospital on Friday, but if you read yesterday's post, you know that I was quite busy! I worked super hard and super fast on Saturday morning to finish up those cakes so that I could get to the hospital. I tried to stay in contact with them to make sure I wasn't missing the big event!!!
I got to the hospital at around 1:00 and got to visit with Kim, Dat, and Kim's mom and dad for a while. Kim was such a trooper through her contractions. She didn't say anything negative or complain at all! At around 2:20ish, they decided it was time for Annabelle to make her entrance, so I went out to the waiting room with Kim's mom and dad. I tried to crochet for a while, but I was WAY too excited and nervous for my buddy!! So mostly, I just sat. And waited. And waited...
I had to be back in Rock Hill at around 6 to pick up two cakes from my house and take them to a birthday party. I decided in my head that I would leave by 5 so I could change, etc. As time ticked by though, I pushed it back to 5:30. If there was any way possible for me to be there and get to see them after the birth, I wanted that to happen! And then at 4:10, Dat came flying down the hall to tell us that Annabelle had just made her debut!!!
I'll say it. I'll admit it. There were tears in my eyes. My buddy is a mommy. In a matter of moments, I went from having a pregnant best friend to having a best friend that is now a mother. This is a BIG deal! :)
Kim's parents and I were very anxious to get to see them! But we had to wait some more. Dat was super sweet to bring out the camera and show us some pictures while they were checking Annabelle out and getting Kim all straightened out. Yay, Dat! Time kept passing and we kept waiting. And waiting.
At 5:20, Dat came out again. Kim's mom mentioned that I had to leave at 5:30, so Dat told us to come on back to the room because everything was almost ready. I am so thankful for those few minutes!!! I got to hug my buddy and tell her what a great job she did. I got to see Miss Annabelle at just an hour old. I snapped a couple of quick pictures with my phone and had to say goodbye. It was HARD to say goodbye, but I knew I would see them again on Sunday!!
Sunday afternoon, I got to the hospital at about 5. I had to wait out the mandatory 2:00-4:00 naptime. Dat's mom, grandmother, and brother were there when I got there. I grabbed a seat by Kim and had some great buddy time while I waited for my turn with the baby. And then it was my turn. :) :) :) I held her for a long time. Sweet baby love. Yay! I'll let the pictures speak for that.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Major trauma is putting it mildly. Friday night was one of, if not the, worst night ever. Things started out fairly normally. I came home from school and got to work on the cakes for the weekend. I ordered pizza and got free chicken strips. Yay! It was even ham, pineapple, and green pepper pizza which is my favorite!! :) Things CRASHED down the hill from there.
As I was finishing my dinner, Sadie sneezed. A big, bloody, messy sneeze. It got all over her paws. And then she sneezed two more times. Big bloody sneezes. All over the carpet and all over her paws. I picked her up and carried her upstairs and put her in the bathtub. I was coming back downstairs to put something on the carpet so it wouldn't stain when I noticed that there was blood everywhere. My poor sweet girl had so much blood coming out of her nose that we left a path of blood all the way through the house. Through the dining room, living room, foyer, up the stairs, through the bedroom and into the bathroom. So I cleaned my way from the scene of the sneeze all the way up to the bathroom. When I got to the bathroom, there was blood ALL OVER the bathtub. Inside and outside. By this point, I was SOBBING. Uncontrollable gut-wrenching sobs. My poor baby. I couldn't do anything but sit with her and try to stop the bleeding.
While I was sitting with her, G called me to check on me. At some point, I had sent him a message from my phone about what was happening. I don't really remember doing that. Through the tears, I told him what was going on and he came right over. By the time he got here, not only were the bathtub and Sadie covered in blood, I was too. The bathroom looked like that shower scene from Psycho. He got in the bathtub with her and got me calmed down enough so that I could call Mom and get the vet's number. I called and got the emergency vet's number and then called them. They said to bring Sadie on up to Charlotte so they could check her out. Mom came and we took Sadie to the animal hospital. By the time we got there, the bleeding had finally stopped. They were very nice and fast there. We didn't have to wait at all. They checked her out and gave us a few options for treatment. We opted for the conservative treatment so that we could take Sadie to see Dr. Jodi on Monday.
I slept on the floor with her when we got home. She didn't have any more trouble. She didn't have any trouble on Saturday. She had a slight bleed this morning, but I was able to stop it with the syringe of stuff the emergency vet gave me. It may have stopped on its own, but I didn't want to run the risk. She seemed fine for the rest of the day. She is going to see Dr. Jodi tomorrow. I hope she can help her...
It was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad night. If G hadn't come to help me and calm me down, I don't know what would have happened. I haven't thought of a way to thank him yet, but I'm working on it.
I love my dog.

As I was finishing my dinner, Sadie sneezed. A big, bloody, messy sneeze. It got all over her paws. And then she sneezed two more times. Big bloody sneezes. All over the carpet and all over her paws. I picked her up and carried her upstairs and put her in the bathtub. I was coming back downstairs to put something on the carpet so it wouldn't stain when I noticed that there was blood everywhere. My poor sweet girl had so much blood coming out of her nose that we left a path of blood all the way through the house. Through the dining room, living room, foyer, up the stairs, through the bedroom and into the bathroom. So I cleaned my way from the scene of the sneeze all the way up to the bathroom. When I got to the bathroom, there was blood ALL OVER the bathtub. Inside and outside. By this point, I was SOBBING. Uncontrollable gut-wrenching sobs. My poor baby. I couldn't do anything but sit with her and try to stop the bleeding.
While I was sitting with her, G called me to check on me. At some point, I had sent him a message from my phone about what was happening. I don't really remember doing that. Through the tears, I told him what was going on and he came right over. By the time he got here, not only were the bathtub and Sadie covered in blood, I was too. The bathroom looked like that shower scene from Psycho. He got in the bathtub with her and got me calmed down enough so that I could call Mom and get the vet's number. I called and got the emergency vet's number and then called them. They said to bring Sadie on up to Charlotte so they could check her out. Mom came and we took Sadie to the animal hospital. By the time we got there, the bleeding had finally stopped. They were very nice and fast there. We didn't have to wait at all. They checked her out and gave us a few options for treatment. We opted for the conservative treatment so that we could take Sadie to see Dr. Jodi on Monday.
I slept on the floor with her when we got home. She didn't have any more trouble. She didn't have any trouble on Saturday. She had a slight bleed this morning, but I was able to stop it with the syringe of stuff the emergency vet gave me. It may have stopped on its own, but I didn't want to run the risk. She seemed fine for the rest of the day. She is going to see Dr. Jodi tomorrow. I hope she can help her...
It was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad night. If G hadn't come to help me and calm me down, I don't know what would have happened. I haven't thought of a way to thank him yet, but I'm working on it.
I love my dog.

****I know this was terribly depressing. Tomorrow, if I can obtain her parents' permission, I will post about the happy part of my weekend. Miss Annabelle Elizabeth Le. Sweet. Baby. Girl. :)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
They Did NOT Teach Me This...
Okay, so it's PASS week. Palmetto Assessment of State Standards. Blah ba de blah. The thing at our school is that once testing is finished for the day, all of the students who have tried their very best get to do some sort of special activity in the afternoon. Yesterday, we had a dance for them. Maybe you've heard me talk about these dances before. Seriously. These kids have moves I've never seen...The Stanky Leg (by the G-spot Boyz. You can read the lyrics here), the Bird Walk (by Soulja Boy. I have no idea what this means.), and the list goes on... *Sigh* When I was in college, I learned Mozart. I learned Schoenberg. I learned Beethoven. I did not learn the Booty Doo. (I refuse to even post a link to these lyrics. If you're curious, you know how to use Google.)
Today after PASS, we had a faculty vs. students softball game. OK, we give PASS to 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. This afternoon, we had about 60 3rd graders, 45 4th graders, and 60 5th graders playing a softball game against 10, that's right, TEN faculty members. The numbers were against us. We let the kids bat first, 3rd and 5th grade before 4th, because 4th grade gets their own game on Friday as they are the only ones testing that day. I think we let them have about 4o outs before we switched for the teachers to bat. Stephanie was not looking forward to the batting part. I can stand pretty safely in the outfield, but there's something about a bunch of 8-10 year olds taunting you when you're up to bat that is just not cool. But much to my surprise, I got a hit (GO ME!) and, after a few more hits from my team, scored a run! (GOOOOO ME!!!) The kids were shocked I think. When I was in college, I learned the clarinet. I learned the violin. I learned the trumpet. I did not learn softball.
Tomorrow, the activity is a movie. I'm very good at watching movies. :)
Today after PASS, we had a faculty vs. students softball game. OK, we give PASS to 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. This afternoon, we had about 60 3rd graders, 45 4th graders, and 60 5th graders playing a softball game against 10, that's right, TEN faculty members. The numbers were against us. We let the kids bat first, 3rd and 5th grade before 4th, because 4th grade gets their own game on Friday as they are the only ones testing that day. I think we let them have about 4o outs before we switched for the teachers to bat. Stephanie was not looking forward to the batting part. I can stand pretty safely in the outfield, but there's something about a bunch of 8-10 year olds taunting you when you're up to bat that is just not cool. But much to my surprise, I got a hit (GO ME!) and, after a few more hits from my team, scored a run! (GOOOOO ME!!!) The kids were shocked I think. When I was in college, I learned the clarinet. I learned the violin. I learned the trumpet. I did not learn softball.
Tomorrow, the activity is a movie. I'm very good at watching movies. :)
Monday, May 11, 2009
And once again, all is right with the world...
Ok, so I pretty much knew I was going to go, but now I have a ticket in my hand. :) G's mom and I are going on July 30. He wanted to get her a ticket for her birthday/Mother's Day. Yay! Thanks, G!!! :)
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post called "Music and People Who Love You Make It All Better". I wrote it right after I had seen Legally Blonde: The Musical. That title and date had been written on the message board in my kitchen for months and I felt a little sad the day after when I erased it. I think I'm happier when there is a musical and a date written on that chalk board. I like having it there to look forward to.
That little chalk board is especially cheerful right now because it also has the word BEACH written on it, along with a date. :)
I'm REALLY looking forward to summer vacation!! Seventeen more days! (16 with kids!)
Ok, so I pretty much knew I was going to go, but now I have a ticket in my hand. :) G's mom and I are going on July 30. He wanted to get her a ticket for her birthday/Mother's Day. Yay! Thanks, G!!! :)
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post called "Music and People Who Love You Make It All Better". I wrote it right after I had seen Legally Blonde: The Musical. That title and date had been written on the message board in my kitchen for months and I felt a little sad the day after when I erased it. I think I'm happier when there is a musical and a date written on that chalk board. I like having it there to look forward to.
That little chalk board is especially cheerful right now because it also has the word BEACH written on it, along with a date. :)
I'm REALLY looking forward to summer vacation!! Seventeen more days! (16 with kids!)
Life in Review...
It seems I've been either too busy or too boring to blog. Here's a rundown of what's happened since I posted that cute picture of Brenna. :)
Tuesday was Cinco De Mayo. I met the Tuesday dinner crowd for, well...dinner. We ate at Hooper's. Didn't think we'd get near a Mexican restaurant.
Wednesday was choir practice. FAIL. I'm not even going to get started on that. SO aggravating.
Thursday we had pre-Mother's Day dinner at Meredith's (sausage casserole-YUM!) and then I went back home to watch Thursday night tv and make a cake. I am pretty sure the writers of my favorite shows are trying to put me in an early grave. Bones...Booth has a brain tumor?!?!? Are you kidding me with that?!?! Writing. Fail. Grey's Anatomy....tease me all week with Meredith and Derek's wedding and then they don't get married?!? Fail. Ok, yeah it's real sweet that Izzie is dying and all, but still. Season Finales of my two favorite shows this Thursday. I'm probably going to need a valium.
Friday night, G and I went out for dinner. We switched things up and went to Firebonz instead of going out for Mexican. It would have been lovely if not for the unruly children at the table next to us. Seriously. Why can't parents control their children? Or at least pretend like they're trying?!?
Saturday. Stupid. It was my first cake-free Saturday since February, I believe. And I had to go to Chester to the Spring Carnival at school. Four hours of sno-cone scooping. UGH. But then I got a new phone. The poor pink Razr had seen better days. The screen was cracked, the 5 button rarely worked, it wouldn't hold a charge...Phone. Fail. Mom and I got Blackberries. Mine is pink. I love it. Phone. Success. :) Saturday night I went over to check out the new porch decor at the O'Neill residence. Lovely!
Sunday. Hooray for Mother's Day! I love my mom. :) Bestest. Mom. Ever. We did the church thing,, had a quick snack, and I went to take care of Sadie. Then we went to Lancaster for the larger family celebration. Hoppy cooked burgers on the grill (Go Hop!), Kathy made some potatoes and baked beans (Yay, Kathy!), there was some corn on the cob that I didn't eat, Katie and I went to KFC and got slaw (Hooray for us!), and there were several yummy desserts. It was a great time with the family!! :)
There. Now you're all caught up. :) I'll try to be more interesting or at least do better with the blogging...
Tuesday was Cinco De Mayo. I met the Tuesday dinner crowd for, well...dinner. We ate at Hooper's. Didn't think we'd get near a Mexican restaurant.
Wednesday was choir practice. FAIL. I'm not even going to get started on that. SO aggravating.
Thursday we had pre-Mother's Day dinner at Meredith's (sausage casserole-YUM!) and then I went back home to watch Thursday night tv and make a cake. I am pretty sure the writers of my favorite shows are trying to put me in an early grave. Bones...Booth has a brain tumor?!?!? Are you kidding me with that?!?! Writing. Fail. Grey's Anatomy....tease me all week with Meredith and Derek's wedding and then they don't get married?!? Fail. Ok, yeah it's real sweet that Izzie is dying and all, but still. Season Finales of my two favorite shows this Thursday. I'm probably going to need a valium.
Friday night, G and I went out for dinner. We switched things up and went to Firebonz instead of going out for Mexican. It would have been lovely if not for the unruly children at the table next to us. Seriously. Why can't parents control their children? Or at least pretend like they're trying?!?
Saturday. Stupid. It was my first cake-free Saturday since February, I believe. And I had to go to Chester to the Spring Carnival at school. Four hours of sno-cone scooping. UGH. But then I got a new phone. The poor pink Razr had seen better days. The screen was cracked, the 5 button rarely worked, it wouldn't hold a charge...Phone. Fail. Mom and I got Blackberries. Mine is pink. I love it. Phone. Success. :) Saturday night I went over to check out the new porch decor at the O'Neill residence. Lovely!
Sunday. Hooray for Mother's Day! I love my mom. :) Bestest. Mom. Ever. We did the church thing,, had a quick snack, and I went to take care of Sadie. Then we went to Lancaster for the larger family celebration. Hoppy cooked burgers on the grill (Go Hop!), Kathy made some potatoes and baked beans (Yay, Kathy!), there was some corn on the cob that I didn't eat, Katie and I went to KFC and got slaw (Hooray for us!), and there were several yummy desserts. It was a great time with the family!! :)
There. Now you're all caught up. :) I'll try to be more interesting or at least do better with the blogging...
Monday, May 4, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Weekend Recap
It's May already. Seriously.
I thought I'd do a quick blog about the weekend. It wasn't a particularly exciting weekend, but I haven't blogged in a week and thought I should.
Friday: I came home from school and decorated Tracey's birthday cake. Then I met her to give it to her. I came back home and decorated a cake for my sister to take to a baby shower on Saturday. I was decorating at warp speed so I could reclaim my life. :) I got the crumb coat on an anniversary cake and then stopped to get cleaned up. Then, I had a very yummy dinner and a lovely evening at El Cancun. :)
Saturday: I woke up super early to finish the anniversary cake and then I drove it to Lancaster. I picked Katie up at GMA's so she could ride with me to the party location. Thanks, Kate. :) I set up the cake and the people were happy. Yay! :) I spent some time hanging with the grandparents. Kathy, Bobby, and I went to the Wheel Inn for lunch. YUM. We also went to the SnoBiz for snocones. Again, YUM. Katie gave me the Avenue Q soundtrack and I nearly choked to death laughing on the way home. Again, thanks, Kate! :) Saturday night was low key. I stayed home in my pjs watching movies. Rent, Nights in Rodanthe, Dirty Dancing. I seriously do not know why Nicholas Sparks has to be so depressing...
Sunday: Church. I had lunch with Meredith, Colin, and Brenna. YUMMY burger at the Hickory Tavern. Then we shopped. I bought four pairs of shoes at Old Navy and only paid $9.83!! You gotta love sales and gift cards! Then Rack Room and Super Target!! I love Super Target. :)
I am now ending my weekend the same way it began. Baking cake. *Sigh*
I thought I'd do a quick blog about the weekend. It wasn't a particularly exciting weekend, but I haven't blogged in a week and thought I should.
Friday: I came home from school and decorated Tracey's birthday cake. Then I met her to give it to her. I came back home and decorated a cake for my sister to take to a baby shower on Saturday. I was decorating at warp speed so I could reclaim my life. :) I got the crumb coat on an anniversary cake and then stopped to get cleaned up. Then, I had a very yummy dinner and a lovely evening at El Cancun. :)
Saturday: I woke up super early to finish the anniversary cake and then I drove it to Lancaster. I picked Katie up at GMA's so she could ride with me to the party location. Thanks, Kate. :) I set up the cake and the people were happy. Yay! :) I spent some time hanging with the grandparents. Kathy, Bobby, and I went to the Wheel Inn for lunch. YUM. We also went to the SnoBiz for snocones. Again, YUM. Katie gave me the Avenue Q soundtrack and I nearly choked to death laughing on the way home. Again, thanks, Kate! :) Saturday night was low key. I stayed home in my pjs watching movies. Rent, Nights in Rodanthe, Dirty Dancing. I seriously do not know why Nicholas Sparks has to be so depressing...
Sunday: Church. I had lunch with Meredith, Colin, and Brenna. YUMMY burger at the Hickory Tavern. Then we shopped. I bought four pairs of shoes at Old Navy and only paid $9.83!! You gotta love sales and gift cards! Then Rack Room and Super Target!! I love Super Target. :)
I am now ending my weekend the same way it began. Baking cake. *Sigh*
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