Thursday, September 3, 2009


Carolina Football Season is here!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I was so excited all day!!! I wore all of my Gamecock gear to school. I think the kids thought I was a little crazy. Of course, the Gamecock kids thought I was cool. :)
I stopped off at the College Shoppe after school. It's become a tradition in the last few years. I go there on the first game day of the season and buy myself a present. :) Isn't this shirt cute?!?
I had to rush home and decorate cakes. I almost finished both of them before kickoff. I finished the second one during halftime.
The Gamecocks looked awesome at the beginning of the game. They kinda lost it a bit as the game went on. Our poor defense was tired since the offense couldn't seem to stay on the field for very long. But, a win is a win, and the Gamecocks defeated the Wolfpack 7-3.
Up next: Georgia. YUCK!

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