Monday, September 21, 2009

First Game of the Season!!!!

Saturday was the first home game of the season!!!! WAHHOOOOOO!!!!! Okay, so they played Florida Atlantic University. Wait, huh? Where? I didn't know either. It is apparently located in Boca Raton. I thought that's where the old people were. Oh well...

At any rate, I met Krystle and Mama Childers at the Mizwas' house at 1:30. After a short ride to Columbia, we set up the tailgating tent! WOOT! We put out our chairs and the cooler and sat down to relax. Thankfully, it was not raining, but unfortunately, it was SUPER humid which made it INCREDIBLY hot. Anyway, we had chicken and snacks and cake. Yum. :)

We walked over to where Chris and Lee Ann were tailgating to say hello. Then it was on to the stadium!!! Hooray! :)

Pretty Gamecock! Yay for being able to see the football field in person!!!!!!

They added some great signs in all four corners of the stadium to recognize notable Gamecocks. I like them. I think they're classy. :) The players (or their family members) were recognized during the game with framed replicas of the signs.

Pregame! WOOT!!! U-S-C GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need this hat. Seriously.

It's Magic Time!! There's Cocky!!!!!!! Best mascot in sports right there, folks. Take a good look.
So the game was pretty fun. The Gamecocks came out looking pretty strong. And then they forgot what they were doing, I think. The first half was a little rocky. All I can say about halftime......FAIL. The alumni band....should stick to donating to the alumni fund. And the band band.....Dave Matthews....for halftime???? Um....I hope that doesn't last long. The second half was much better, except for a few bogus calls from the officials. I'm pretty sure when you catch the ball and take two steps with it and then drop it that it is called a "fumble". The officials, however, called it an "incomplete pass". complete did it need to be??? Stupid. And the best of all....the "disconcerting signals" call. As if the officials got together and said "Hey y'all, watch this. We're gonna make the stadium go 'WHHHHAAAAAAATTTTTTT????'" Stupid stupid call/rule/whatever. It's dumb.

Next game: Thursday night. I hope I get home from stupid parent conferences in time to see most of it!!! Come on, Gamecocks! Let's beat Mississippi. They have too many double consonants in their name. Just try not to be disconcerting. Thanks! :)

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