First stop at the zoo, the bears. I think Brenna liked them. She giggled. Then we walked over to the creepy bird place. I stayed on the little bridge while everyone else went up close to them so Colin could read the signs. OK, so maybe it is an irrational fear. Maybe it's ridiculous that I'm terrified of birds that are clearly contained in their little zoo habitats. I accept that it's kinda goofy. But rather than place myself in the path of an anxiety attack, I just stayed on the bridge. Then we headed over to the sea lion habitat. It was almost time for the show, so we hung out there for a bit. Zuma was waiting very patiently for his trainers to come out. It was very cute. When the show started, Zuma was very cool doing all of his tricks. I like that the keepers at Riverbanks work with the animals so much to keep them stimulated. Here's Zuma working it for the crowd:
After the show, we paused for a diaper/potty break. Actually, I went to hang out with the flamingos while everyone else took a diaper/potty break. I was trying to get new/more pictures for my bathroom, but didn't really get any that I like any more than the ones that are already in there. I did get to see some pretty fun flamingo fighting though. Heehee.
After a brief stop at the meerkats (SO CUTE!), we were in my favorite spot in the zoo. The elephants! Happy day! All four girls were out. They're so pretty.
We cruised past the zebras and ostriches and the alligator, who, contrary to the opinion of the genius parent who was talking to his kid was, indeed, quite real, and made our way to the Riverbanks Farm to see the goats, cow, owls (ick!), bunnies, and the llama. I don't know why the llama is on the farm. Whatever. Then it was on to the psycho monkeys. One of them was SO loud. They're super funny to watch, swinging around and looking mad at everyone. Heehee. Silly monkeys.
We headed around to the koalas. Thankfully the lorikeet feeding place was closed for the day. That seriously creeps me out. All of those birds flying around your head and sitting on you and stuff. TERRIFYING! Ugh. The koalas were super cute as usual. They were sleeping when we went in but their keeper came in and they woke up! They're never awake!!! It was very exciting. Of course, my camera chose that exact moment for the batteries to die. Camera. Fail. Anyway, here's a sleeping koala...
Apparently it was naptime at the zoo. Most of the next animals were asleep. The tiger was asleep. Most of the lions were asleep. The hyenas were asleep. Whatever. Brenna, Meredith, and I waited very patiently (mostly) while Colin and Corey went into the reptile/aquarium complex. They were in there forever... Then it was on to the Birdhouse. Not my favorite place, but that's where the penguins live. They're so cute. It was hard to get good pictures of them though because the glass was so dirty! Boo!
We had a great day at the zoo!!! I'm so glad Meredith and Corey let me tag along on these adventures!! :)