Sunday, March 1, 2009

Weekend Recap

Geezerie. Busy weekend! It really started on Thursday when I came home and baked 11 cakes. Sigh. I was in the kitchen from 4:15 to 11:30. After I had worked all day.

Friday was school all day. I think Burke and Mike really liked their birthday cakes. I came home and did a little work on one of the cakes I had to make for Saturday. Then I had a little fun! :) Meredith, Erin and Erin's mom, Ginger, came over to have a little girl time. We watched some tv, ate some pizza (NOT Fuel Pizza! side note: it took less time for the Papa John's people to drive the pizza to my house from several miles away than it took the Fuel Pizza people to deliver the cheese pizza slices 5 feet from the kitchen to my table.), and talked a lot. Fun times.

Saturday morning I got up at 6 (!) to work on those last two cakes. The sock monkey cake was so cute! I worked really hard on those two for all of the morning and part of the afternoon. Then I cleaned up the kitchen in record time and sat down!!! Saturday night, Kim and Dat picked up some Chinese and came for a visit! We had really good food and tried to play Lord of the Rings Trivial Pursuit. Game. Fail. I didn't know anything!! I answered "Gandalf" or "Frodo" to everything. We gave that up to play Trouble. That's right. Pop-o-matic Trouble. Love that game. I had a good time with my buddy and her husband! She is looking so cute and pregnant! :)
Sunday. Sunday. This might be a good time to mention that by Sunday morning it had been raining FOREVER! I was all ready to go to church and had an issue. I dropped my phone somewhere and didn't know where it was. I didn't want to go driving in the nasty weather without my phone so I tried to find it. Not in my purse. Not in my bag. Not in the seat. Must be in the house....So I went back in the house. In the rain. Sigh. Where is my phone??? Not in the bathroom. Not in the bedroom. Not on the table near my chair. Not in the kitchen. Not anywhere!!! Ugh. Has to be in the car. Back to the car. In the rain. Sigh. Back through the bags. All over the car. Apparently it had fallen beside the seat. And I couldn't get it. So I tried from the back seat. Fail. I tried from the passenger's seat. Fail. I tried from the driver's seat again. Fail. I had to get out of the car, get down on the ground (in the POURING rain) and nearly break my hand off to get the stupid phone. Phone. Fail. This took about 35 minutes. I did not make it to church. :(

I shall save the biggest excitement of the weekend for a post tomorrow. It's SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. We had fun, too! It's always good times hanging out with my buddy. :)
