Monday, March 2, 2009

SNOW!!!!!! =)

FINALLY!!!! The weathermen finally got it right. They said it was going to snow and it did! :)

I love snow. Love everything about it. I love how pretty it is when it falls. I love how pretty everything is when it's all covered up. I love how bright and clean the world looks when the sun comes out and everything is white and shiny. I love how they call you and tell you that you don't have to come to school. And I love how it goes away after a day or two, before it has a chance to get all dirty and ugly like the snow up north. No wonder those people up there hate snow. They don't know about beautiful Southern snow that comes and goes and a few days later it's warm and sunny again.

The snow started at my house at about 5:45 Sunday afternoon. It started sticking really quickly, which was surprising to me because it had been raining SO hard for 2 days. I was like a little girl, running around my house from the back door to the front door and even upstairs to see what it looked like from up there. Sadie thought I was nuts. Alll the local school districts started calling off school pretty early in the evening. I was getting sort of upset with Chester because they were being slow, but they finally called around 8:15. After the call, I settled down a bit, made tacos for dinner, and watched tv. (But was still hopping up quite frequently to check the status of the snow.)

Some pictures from Sunday evening:

Sadie was funny in the snow. I didn't think she was even going to want to walk out in it. (She hates to go out in the rain.) I guess the snow looked fun though, because she was jumping around and shoving her face down in it and eating it and throwing it up in the air with her nose. SO CUTE! I love that dog. Seriously.
Of course, this morning I woke up at 6:00. *Sigh* Go back to sleep, Steph, you don't have school today. Yeah right. I tried and failed. I watched the news and took Sadie outside at about 8:00.
More pictures:

Sadie and I had snow cream for breakfast.

At about noon, I ventured out to go play with Colin and Brenna in the snow. Brenna was asleep when I got there. Colin had just come inside from about an hour in the snow and he didn't want to go back out. :( So I sat there for a little while, Brenna woke up, and then decided I was going out, with or without the children. Then Colin decided it might be a good idea to come play too. So out we went. I built Mrs. Snow-tato Head. Colin and I had a snowball fight. We took some pictures. Brenna was not sure about the snow, but she liked my snow person. We were not outside for long. I do not like to be cold. :)

It was a great snow day!!! It might be a few years before we have another one!! I've got my fingers crossed for a delay in the morning...


  1. I'm glad you finally got your fun snow day!

  2. You are TOO CUTE in your little snow outfit! And I love the potato head accessories for the snowman.

    I cant believe how much snow RH got! Craziness.

  3. GREAT snow day! If it wasn't so cold, I would have gone outside Sunday night and just stood around watching the snow fall around me - I love it! I also love that this coming weekend it's supposed to be back up to a nice balmy 70 degrees! How was your delayed day? :)

  4. Thanks C! I did not have carrots and coal on hand, but of course I knew where my potato head parts were... :)

    Kim-I think we should start school late every day. I was almost human. I was cheerful. I smiled at children! (I had time for coffee...)
