Monday, March 30, 2009

Bachelorette, WOO! :)

I spent last weekend at the beach. :) I love the beach.

We went to the beach to celebrate Krystle's last weekend of freedom before she becomes a wife. Susan and Kelly went down earlier in the day and Krystle, Tara, and I followed as soon as Krystle and I got out of school. We stayed in a great condo in Little River that is owned by a member of Susan's family. It was a wonderful place!!

Friday night when we got there, the first excitement of the evening was when Mr. Frog decided to hop in from outside to join the party. Five a condo...with a frog...trying to figure out how to get him back out the door. HILARIOUS.

We decided that since it was pretty late already (it was already around 9 when we got there) we would just stay in Friday night. I think that was a brilliant decision. Krystle opened her funny presents and we played some games and just hung out in our pajamas. It was great!

Here are some pics from the evening:

I don't know what's wrong with her...

Kelly, Susan, and Krystle

Tara and Me

Saturday, we watched a lot of the Golden Girls. Then we went to lunch at TGI Fridays. It was very yummy. We were all very hungry. Then the people came in having their wedding reception. Weird. They had a cake in a box and everything. After lunch, we went down to the beach. It was very foggy and sort of chilly, but it was still the beach.

The whole gang at the beach.

After the beach, we went back to the condo and rested for a little while before we got ready to go out for the evening. When we were all ready, we went out (in the major rainstorm) to California Dreaming for dinner. After dinner, we headed to Broadway at the Beach.

We started at Crocodile Rocks. The dueling piano guys were fun. We also met some guys that were having a bachelor party. According to the one guy's tattoo, they were from Somewhere Between the Shoulder and Elbow, North Carolina. They were very nice, fun guys and we hung out with them for the rest of the evening.

After we left Crocodile Rocks, we went to Revolutions for some dancing. I don't dance, don't ask me. Seriously.

Sunday morning, we got up and made our way home. It was a very fun weekend! :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Three Days of Cake

I am SO tired. Thursday night, I baked. And I baked. And I baked, and I baked, and I baked. Eleven cakes total. Geez.

Yesterday, after a trip to the tanning bed (can you say krispy kritter?), I decorated two of those cakes into a groom's cake for my friend Tara and her fiance Eric. I don't know where time went, but I was running crazy late. I got the cake finished and hopped into the car to drive it to the Elks Park at the lake. I then proceeded to get behind every idiot driver in York County. Apparently, on Friday afternoons, it is not necessary to use turn signals, it is completely appropriate to slam on brakes, and you are required to pull out in front of people who are trying to transport large cakes safely to their party destinations. After 3 or 4 near heart attacks, the cake arrived safely at the lake. Here it is if you were curious:

Today was all about the wedding cake. Everything went well with it. No major disasters. It was just time consuming. My dear, sweet sister brought her Highlander and drove me and the cake to the reception location. It made me so much more relaxed not having to drive there. It was also better to have an extra set of eyes and someone to talk to while I was working. I set the cake up without incident and came back home. Whew! Here it is, in case you're interested:

And then I came home, showered, changed and went to the wedding. Tara looked beautiful. I'm not sure I've ever seen a happier bride. I've seen really happy brides, but Tara was giddy. It was so cute. :) And thankfully, she loved her wedding cake. That made me feel good.

Here's a picture of me and my friend Tracey at the reception.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Erin Go Bragh

Sadie and I want to wish everyone a Happy St. Patrick's Day!

"May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand."

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Blog. Fail.

FYI-I haven't died. Life has been boring lately. I had strep throat--UGH. It was terrible. I went to work, I came home. Nothing exciting.

Things have picked up a little bit. I was super busy this weekend with cakes. Go here if you want to see them. I was pretty happy Friday night. I got to see Shirley and Patti. I miss them. We used to have so much fun together! Saturday was mostly about those cakes. Finishing them, waiting for pickups, and cleaning up after them. *Sigh*

Tonight I went to Meredith and Corey's for dinner and Wii. Stupid Wii Fit. That thing is NOT NICE! Ugh. Self-esteem. Fail. Seriously. I had a good time with them, though.

This week should be a little more interesting. It's St. Patrick's Day Week!! Yay!!!! :) And I have a wedding this weekend. (More cake)

I hope it stops raining soon. It's depressing.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Happy Hooker

Haha. :) Crochet, people. I'm talking about crochet!!! There's actually a book about crocheting called The Happy Hooker. Google it. :) (For anyone who is confused, you use a hook to crochet. Contrary to popular opinion, it is not a needle.)


I crocheted this blanket for my friend Jennifer. She is having a baby boy at the end of the month. :) If you follow the cake blog as well, the Peyton cake was for her shower.

It's a good feeling to finish a project.

This hooker (it's more fun to say than "crocheter". is that the word for it? i don't know.) is now crocheting a pie. Seriously. A pie. Don't ask...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cake Decorator. Fail.

What does one do when one KNOWS they're sick, but they must decorate a cake anyway???

They do this....


Monday, March 2, 2009

SNOW!!!!!! =)

FINALLY!!!! The weathermen finally got it right. They said it was going to snow and it did! :)

I love snow. Love everything about it. I love how pretty it is when it falls. I love how pretty everything is when it's all covered up. I love how bright and clean the world looks when the sun comes out and everything is white and shiny. I love how they call you and tell you that you don't have to come to school. And I love how it goes away after a day or two, before it has a chance to get all dirty and ugly like the snow up north. No wonder those people up there hate snow. They don't know about beautiful Southern snow that comes and goes and a few days later it's warm and sunny again.

The snow started at my house at about 5:45 Sunday afternoon. It started sticking really quickly, which was surprising to me because it had been raining SO hard for 2 days. I was like a little girl, running around my house from the back door to the front door and even upstairs to see what it looked like from up there. Sadie thought I was nuts. Alll the local school districts started calling off school pretty early in the evening. I was getting sort of upset with Chester because they were being slow, but they finally called around 8:15. After the call, I settled down a bit, made tacos for dinner, and watched tv. (But was still hopping up quite frequently to check the status of the snow.)

Some pictures from Sunday evening:

Sadie was funny in the snow. I didn't think she was even going to want to walk out in it. (She hates to go out in the rain.) I guess the snow looked fun though, because she was jumping around and shoving her face down in it and eating it and throwing it up in the air with her nose. SO CUTE! I love that dog. Seriously.
Of course, this morning I woke up at 6:00. *Sigh* Go back to sleep, Steph, you don't have school today. Yeah right. I tried and failed. I watched the news and took Sadie outside at about 8:00.
More pictures:

Sadie and I had snow cream for breakfast.

At about noon, I ventured out to go play with Colin and Brenna in the snow. Brenna was asleep when I got there. Colin had just come inside from about an hour in the snow and he didn't want to go back out. :( So I sat there for a little while, Brenna woke up, and then decided I was going out, with or without the children. Then Colin decided it might be a good idea to come play too. So out we went. I built Mrs. Snow-tato Head. Colin and I had a snowball fight. We took some pictures. Brenna was not sure about the snow, but she liked my snow person. We were not outside for long. I do not like to be cold. :)

It was a great snow day!!! It might be a few years before we have another one!! I've got my fingers crossed for a delay in the morning...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Weekend Recap

Geezerie. Busy weekend! It really started on Thursday when I came home and baked 11 cakes. Sigh. I was in the kitchen from 4:15 to 11:30. After I had worked all day.

Friday was school all day. I think Burke and Mike really liked their birthday cakes. I came home and did a little work on one of the cakes I had to make for Saturday. Then I had a little fun! :) Meredith, Erin and Erin's mom, Ginger, came over to have a little girl time. We watched some tv, ate some pizza (NOT Fuel Pizza! side note: it took less time for the Papa John's people to drive the pizza to my house from several miles away than it took the Fuel Pizza people to deliver the cheese pizza slices 5 feet from the kitchen to my table.), and talked a lot. Fun times.

Saturday morning I got up at 6 (!) to work on those last two cakes. The sock monkey cake was so cute! I worked really hard on those two for all of the morning and part of the afternoon. Then I cleaned up the kitchen in record time and sat down!!! Saturday night, Kim and Dat picked up some Chinese and came for a visit! We had really good food and tried to play Lord of the Rings Trivial Pursuit. Game. Fail. I didn't know anything!! I answered "Gandalf" or "Frodo" to everything. We gave that up to play Trouble. That's right. Pop-o-matic Trouble. Love that game. I had a good time with my buddy and her husband! She is looking so cute and pregnant! :)
Sunday. Sunday. This might be a good time to mention that by Sunday morning it had been raining FOREVER! I was all ready to go to church and had an issue. I dropped my phone somewhere and didn't know where it was. I didn't want to go driving in the nasty weather without my phone so I tried to find it. Not in my purse. Not in my bag. Not in the seat. Must be in the house....So I went back in the house. In the rain. Sigh. Where is my phone??? Not in the bathroom. Not in the bedroom. Not on the table near my chair. Not in the kitchen. Not anywhere!!! Ugh. Has to be in the car. Back to the car. In the rain. Sigh. Back through the bags. All over the car. Apparently it had fallen beside the seat. And I couldn't get it. So I tried from the back seat. Fail. I tried from the passenger's seat. Fail. I tried from the driver's seat again. Fail. I had to get out of the car, get down on the ground (in the POURING rain) and nearly break my hand off to get the stupid phone. Phone. Fail. This took about 35 minutes. I did not make it to church. :(

I shall save the biggest excitement of the weekend for a post tomorrow. It's SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!!