Saturday, January 17, 2009

thots frum sadie

hi. it'z mee. sadie the dawg. i stole thee komputur. i just wanted two say that it iz reeeeeel kold! i meen, REEEEEEEEEL kold. lyke freezing or sumthing. it's so kold, i kan't even look!

steph thot i wuz reel kute pushing my blankit into thee sunshyne, so she tuk my piktur.

i also wanted two say that i'm reel sorree that i bit steph. i'm sorree abowt hur brooze on hur face. i luv hur, and woodn't byte hur on purpose.

thats all.

luv, sadie


  1. Sadie!! You BIT my buddy??? Bad girl! I won't bring you any more Frosty coupons if you're going to be like that.

  2. Sadie sez...

    i wuz asleepand havving a bad dreem. shee tryed two wak me upp cuz i sownded skared and i bitt hur. i'm reel sorree!
