On Monday the 9th, I was home, recovering from the plague. Having not eaten anything in 3 days, I was pretty hungry. I met Chalica for lunch at Tequila's. It was super nice to have that time together to catch up on all the things that have happened in the almost year since we've seen each other!
On Thursday the 12th, I went to Jason's parents' house to have dinner with the Packs, Kim, and Annabelle. Dat wasn't able to make it because of a toilet emergency. :( Chalica made a great Mexican dinner for us and we had a great time catching up and playing with the kids. Chalica even brought us cool prizes from Korea! :)
I don't have any pictures. :( I didn't take any and Chalica and Kim haven't posted any for me to steal. :) I did steal this one of me and Emma from Jason's sister, Michelle.

Nor will I be posting any, since I didn't take any either! :(