Thursday: Steve made me go to work. Fail. I wanted to stay home. UGH. Anyway, I went to work. Boring, boring, boring. After work I rushed home and baked a cake. Boring. Then we went to Chili's for dinner with Tracey. FUN! :)
Friday: Friday, I had a terrible migraine ;) so I stayed home from work. I worked on my cakes in the morning. We made a couple of runs to WalMart. We met Kathy and Hoppy to deliver a cake and to have lunch at Olive Garden. Yay! We went and got Steve a shirt to wear to the game on Saturday so he would look like a true Gamecock fan! I worked on cakes some more. I got a haircut! :) Friday night, we grabbed some dinner and stayed in watching movies. Fun times. :)
Saturday: GAME DAY! GAME DAY!!!! WOOOOOOOT! Steve got to go see the Gamecocks play!!! We met the Mizwas and Mama Childers at 12:30. We loaded up the truck and headed for Columbia! :) We tailgated for a little while. I love tailgating. :)
The game was pretty good. The first half was a little sketchy, but the Gamecocks were wide awake for the second half! 38-14! Yay!!! We had such a wonderful day with friends and part of the family! :)
Sunday: Steve had to go home. :( Ten more hours in the car. But we had a wonderful visit while he was here!! I had the nursery with Meredith on Sunday morning, so it was off to church for me. After church, I went to Mom and Dad's for my birthday lunch! Chicken and dumplings, potato salad, green lima beans, broccoli casserole, and JELLO PIE!!! WOOOOT! I love Jello Pie!!! After lunch and some visiting, it was back home to get ready for the week ahead.

I had such a GREAT birthday weekend!!! :)
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