Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Moving Day

I've been saving all comments on this situation for this post. So here goes.

Given all of the recent drama caused by the state's budget situation in these "tough economic times" (I swear I want to punch somebody every time I hear that phrase), my school district was in a bit of a pickle. With the leader of our state too busy with his own personal drama to govern the state effectively, the jobs of many, many essential individuals were placed on the line. Governmental. FAIL. Seriously.

Anyway, several months ago, the school board decided and clearly stated that there would no longer be a music teacher for each of the three schools in our complex. They did not, however, give any explanation of how they would decide who had to go. This, in turn, led to many sleepless nights, tears, whispered conversations, questions...general STRESS. For months. Again, FAIL.

The end of the school year came and we still had gotten no word about any changes that might be made. On the last day of school, several teachers were called into the office and reassigned. But not me. I think 30 people or more came to me that day asking me if I had gotten any word about next year. I was about to scream. The day came to an end, and still nothing. Not able to take it anymore, I went to my principal and asked her what was going on. I was told that the district had begun the Reduction In Force process to determine which music teacher would be leaving. I was also told that I would have a job, but they were not sure where. In short, "you work somewhere."

This news was good and bad. Hooray for having a job!!! SO SO SO thankful to have a job. But "somewhere"? Um... Given that I am certified for Kindergarten through 12th grade, I was freaking out just a little. They could have moved me anywhere. More stress, but not quite as much as before, knowing that I would still be able to pay my mortgage. I had also been told that I would hear something definite in a few days, so I relaxed a little and tried to enjoy the first week of my summer vacation.

A week went by, and I had not gotten any news. Tired and frustrated, I called my school. My principal had "forgotten". Soooooo, she said she'd make a call. About an hour later, I got a call from our Human Resources coordinator. She said that given the situation, the district would like to transfer me to LES. She called it an "involuntary transfer" and said it would go in my file that way. I told her that I was thrilled to have a job and to still be in an elementary school. Bless her heart. I know this has been a miserable time for her. I'm sure there were plenty of people that were not as understanding about their phone calls or meetings as I was.

So there it is. I'm changing schools.

Yesterday, I drove my dad's truck (!!!) to school (after some drama with a dead battery) to collect my stuff from my classroom and move it. Krystle met me there and we packed it up. Thanks, Krystle!!! I had many offers for help, but kinda figured it would be hard to have several other people there since I was the only one who knew what was supposed to stay and what was supposed to go. Between Dad's truck and Krystle's car, we got everything in one load. Yay!

We unloaded everything into my new (HUGE) classroom at LES. Man, what a mess. The place was a mess when I got there, and adding all of my stuff did NOT help! It's going to take me SO LONG to get it clean, first of all, and then organized. I'm thinking maybe a day here and there for the rest of the summer so I don't have to kill myself right before school starts. Maybe....

I am truly going to miss some of the great people I worked with at my school. I am also going to miss some of the children I have come to know over the past three years. I am looking forward to meeting new children and becoming a part of a new family at my new school. :)


  1. Speppy! I will help you clean! I love you!

  2. I'm sure I can take a day when Dat's off to come with you to work on your room.
