We had lots of yummy food, including Mere's potato soup, Kathy's vegetable soup, various Christmas meats...there was SO MUCH food!!!!
After we ate, it was present time again. Pete and Helena opened theirs first. Then Brent and Deborah. Then the rest of us. They gave me Carnival Games for the Wii and a cute flamingo ornament for my tree. =) Yay!
We did a fun photo shoot with Grandmother and Granddaddy.
First we took their picture with their great-grandchildren...
Then with the grandchildren...
Then with their children...
After presents, it was Wii time. There was some "lovely" singing with the American Idol Karaoke game. (I'm not sure if the highlight was Kathy and Hoppy singing "Islands in the Stream" with Hoppy as Dolly and Kathy as Kenny, or if it was Bobby and Hoppy singing "Eye of the Tiger".) There was also some Wii bowling and some Guitar Hero. We ended the evening with some Mario Kart racing. It got pretty serious....
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