Christmas Morning!! Christmas Morning!!!
I woke up super early and went to Meredith and Corey's for early festivities. It was raining cats, dogs, cows, pigs, chickens...anything it could find to rain. It was RIDICULOUS! But I put on my sock monkey Christmas pajamas and off I went.
Santa had been to their house during the night. Poor Colin was awake in his room, waiting to be given permission to come into the living room. Brenna was sacked out. After Mom and Dad and I were there, they let Colin out and got Brenna out of bed. Colin was thrilled with his Santa stash, especially Outback the Kangaroo. Brenna woke up after a few minutes and was SO funny when she realized she had new toys waiting for her in the floor.
After the presents, we had yummy breakfast. :) Here's a picture of me and Mere:

After breakfast, I hung out at Mere's for a little while and then went home to get cleaned up for big Christmas at Mom's. Still raining like crazy. UGH. So I got cleaned up, loaded up the car with the presents, the Wii, and the Sadie and headed for York.
We had a superfun day with lots of presents, lots of good family time and LOTS of food!!! Yum!!!

This will be the Christmas that I remember as the Christmas that Brenna super loved me. :)

We had lots of fun together. After all the presents and all the eating, the Lancaster crew headed home. Then the Clinton crew headed home. I didn't want to go home. Sadie was with me, so there was no point. So I hung out with my parents. Dad and I played the Wii. He wanted to play Mario Kart....until he realized he couldn't drive. So we bowled. Fun times. :)
After that, I headed home to rest up for Christmas, Part Two!