Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Krystle's Shower!
Sadie never left her post guarding the food. But she was very good. She didn't beg! (Well, she asked me a few questions regarding food, but other than that...)
The shower was fun! Stay tuned for more of Krystle's Wedding Adventures!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Mail from Korea!! :)

She'll be a big girl when they come back. I hope she'll still play with me!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentine's Day. Is. Stupid.
This is the dumbest holiday ever. Seriously. First of all, who the heck is St. Valentine? Does anybody know? You Google the dude and you get a lot of sketchy information about a whole bunch of people named Valentine. Kinda sounds made up to me. And what was so special about all these Valentine cats anyway? I'm fun. Can we get a Stephanie's Day? Everybody could wear their pajamas and eat cake. It would be awesome!
Furthermore, why do we need a day that tells us we have to love somebody? If you love someone, shouldn't you tell them every day? Do we really need the people at Hallmark to remind us that we're supposed to say "I love you"?? Get a grip people. Commercialism.
Then there's so much pressure! If you're in a relationship, it becomes a big deal about what you're going to buy and what you're going to do and people get all stressed out. If you're not, then it's like, "well, what the heck am I supposed to do all day?" and you have to listen to all the happy people and their lovey dovey junk. Seriously, people. How much "I had a great Valentine's Day with the best partner ever" stuff are we supposed to listen to before we get sick? Or "my significant other wasn't home all day on Valentine's Day" or "my significant other didn't do anything for me for Valentine's Day". Really? Pull yourselves together and try to make it through.
I'm not going to fuss anymore. I'll just say what I did with my day and be done with it.
I made a birthday cake. I went shopping. I went with Jill, Chris, Beezer, and Scott to Luke's for dinner. Then we went to the Elk's Lodge for the Valentine's Dance. If you ask me, it was extraordinarily boring. The DJ was not the best I've ever seen/heard. When the musical highlights of the evening include "Dancing Queen" and "Funkytown", you know you're somewhere fun. Wow. But whatever. I had a pretty dress. :)
With Jilly.
With Jane.
Exalted Ruler O'Neill...
Friday, February 13, 2009
Why I will NEVER eat at Fuel Pizza again...
I went on a "date" with our youth minister's wife tonight. Erin and I met at Target (gotta get the contraband) and then moved on to the movies across the street. We got our tickets for the 7:40 showing of Confessions of a Shopaholic (where apparently Erin had an imaginary friend with her because the ticket worker said "one adult and..." like she saw somebody else there) and realized we had about 50 minutes before the movie actually started. We had a brilliant parking space, so we decided to just walk across to either Moe's or Fuel Pizza to grab a bite to eat. The line at Moe's was wicked long, so we chose Fuel Pizza. We chose POORLY! OMG, people. At 6:55, Erin ordered a slice of pepperoni pizza and a drink. (She was planning on popcorn at the movie...another story altogether.) At 6:57, Stephanie ordered 2 slices of cheese pizza and a drink. The receipt clearly states it...6:57. (bottom left corner)
About 5-7 minutes later, Erin's slice of pepperoni arrived. No food for Steppy. Ok, that's fine. They clearly can't carry food for two people at the same time. Except the food for Steppy didn't come any time soon. I tried to get Erin to eat her food while it was hot, but she was trying to wait until I had something to eat too. A few minutes later, a dude came out of the kitchen and asked if we were waiting on anything else. (Apparently I looked hungry!) I told him about my two slices of pizza and he said he'd be right back. So I waited. Fairly patiently at first. Now would be a good time to mention that we were sitting at a table where we could look through a big window into the kitchen and see the people making the pizzas and the pizzas coming out of the oven and the pizzas being sliced and put on plates, etc. So I waited. And waited. And waited. Pizzas were coming out of the oven left and right, being sliced and served. Still no food for Stephanie. The dude came back out of the kitchen and I actually said out loud, "DUDE! Pizza!" (Ok, I know that was incredibly rude and I really didn't mean for him to hear me.) He said it was coming out of the oven in a minute. Um...it had been like 20 minutes at this point and many many pizzas had come out of the oven. So I try to be patient and wait. Except more pizzas were coming out of the oven and none of them were cheese! So I took to making sad faces at the people in the kitchen through the window. Poor Erin had picked all the pepperoni off of her pizza and was working on picking the cheese off. She was making faces with me too.
And I burned my mouth. And then the pizza went all kamikaze on me and jumped in my lap. UGH.
SO...I ate as fast as I could and we left. NEVER TO RETURN.
We got to the movie theater and the lines for snacks were forever long. I went in to grab seats and Erin got in line for popcorn. About 10 minutes later, she appeared at the bottom of the stairs with no popcorn. Apparently the snack people were as slow as the pizza people because she said the lines never moved. Fail.
We watched the movie, mostly without incident. There were annoying children behind them. I resisted the (strong) urge to punch them in the head. At some point, somebody let a sheep in because we heard a definite "Baaa." Followed by loud laughter. The movie was pretty good. Not like the books, though.
After the movie, Erin wanted coffee since she didn't get her popcorn. I remembered the coffee shop downtown and we went there. Closed. Seriously? Then she mentioned Panera. Also closed. So we went to Dunkin Donuts. And had our coffee. And great conversation.
Despite the fact that apparently NOBODY wanted us to have a successful evening, I had a great time! I hope we do it again (sans drama) soon!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Here she is, perched on the end of the recliner, watching the Hound group.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
No Day But Today
After seeing my sadness over not getting to go see RENT while it was in Charlotte, when it seemed like everybody else I knew was going, my dear sweet cousin came through for me. Katie went with friends on Thursday night. I was playfully giving her a hard time on Friday and she said she had a coupon for tickets for Sunday night. SOOOO.....on Friday, she bought tickets for the two of us to go to the last Charlotte performance!!!!! I was about to burst out of my skin! I was SOOO excited! :)
RENT was the last activity of Stephanie's Weekendpalooza! Katie met me at my house and we headed out for Ovens Auditorium. We went to will call for our tickets and then ventured out to find food. We ended up in Sketchville, USA at a Wendy's. Needless to say, we did NOT get out of the car. We did the drive thru. We took our snacks back to our great parking space and ate in the car. Where we were safe. :)
The performance was AMAZING. Did I say that already? AMAZING!!!! Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp were on the tour playing Roger and Mark, the roles they originated on Broadway. They were AMAZING! That, in itself, was exciting enough for me. Mimi was played by the understudy, Karmine Alers, who was playing Mimi when RENT closed on Broadway last year. She, too, was AMAZING! In fact, the whole cast was AMAZING!
Everybody should see this show. It's so so so good! Actually, let me amend that statement. Everybody should NOT see this show. 10 year olds (like the one that sat in front of me) should NOT see this show. It's amazing, it's wonderful, it's beautiful. It is NOT child-appropriate. I have serious concerns about the parenting skills of a parent that would bring a child to see this show. If you're reading this and you don't know about RENT, perhaps you should Google it. Rea about the characters and the plots and the issues of the show. NOT child-appropriate material. Seriously.
If RENT is in a place near you, I highly suggest you see it. It's definitely worth it. I've been humming all day. :)
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Stephanie's Weekendpalooza: Saturday
Colin and I were so excited in the car on the way to Charlotte! We parked at the South Boulevard station and rode the light rail into Charlotte. It was my first time on the train!
And then horses. Little white horses. SO cute!
Then the crazy motorcycle people in the big steel ball. I still don't understand how they got 7 motorcycles and riders inside this thing.
The penguin people were funny. Then the tigers came out. They were so BIG and actually very pretty. (I'm not a tiger person, you know.)
Then there was a cute bit with the Ringmaster, Tom, and a little girl about not blowing bubbles at the circus that ended with the Ringmaster's hat floating away in a bubble.
More acrobats and aerialists. Then my most favorite part.
We had the best time at the circus! :)